Working Session #1 - Define
This section is literally to define what the scope of this identification workshop is.
Yes, that in itself might be vague, but it is intentionally so. Participants may have been invited to discuss a shared project, but identifying the bounds of what is counted as the project is a useful exercise.
The outcome of this session may be something in the form: We are [PROJECT], we are here to do [X]… In order to do [X], we will be defining [Y]”.
When running this workshop virtually, take advantage of your platform’s virtual breakout rooms. Do not observe these breakouts (unless asked to do so by attendees), but tell attendees to click any ‘Get Help’ or ‘Raise Hand’ button if they need a hand. Set a timer for the session, so that participants know when to return.
- If you have scoped this workshop for a very specific project, do not skip this section. Make participants create a definition of your project’s scope.
Groups of 2-3 participants:
- You can still suggest one breakout room so that the group can work unobserved, or if your platform is limited, advise that the facilitator and notetaker will mute/camera off for the duration of breakouts. Try not to make suggestions at participants, but listen out if they have issues.
Interpretations in this section follow through the workshop, so ensure consensus before continuing.
Presentations of Work #1
Give each breakout group up to five minutes to present their results, including any discussions.